I like making cartoons. I dream of becoming an animator someday)

Julia/Yulia Gugeleva @JustXerox365


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Joined on 7/27/23

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We need to talk.

Posted by JustXerox365 - 2 hours ago

I can't fucking take it anymore! Listen, I am a completely inadequate person in terms of my thoughts, at least according to what others say about me. I-... I always knew it but I didn't expect that everything's THAT BAD. I suffer from ADHD and Deep Meaning Disorder (I don't know why it's called a disorder if that's not).. It's like when you try to find a hidden meaning, the catch is where there is none... I can't name a specific case, it's extremely personal... But it happens to me all the time. I have a constant feeling that people are hiding something from me or hate me. I DON'T FUCKING KNOW WHY THIS IS HAPPENING...

I need help. I can't work until I get rid of this feeling.



You don't have to worry so much, believe me. We, your friends, tell you that you are very good. It doesn't matter what jerks say, the main thing is what normal people say. Sometimes criticism can be inappropriate. So at least know that we love you and everything will be fine

Thanks, my bro... But it doesn't depend on me. It's something that i can't control... I hope everything will be ok.

Love ya too

@JustXerox365 You can assert yourself that you are normal or not. In that case, you can handle all the problems

I feel that it is best to be direct here... Newgrounds can be a great place to get some distraction, or grow as an artist, but it is _not_ a place that's ideal for seeking help in questions of mental health. Our community does not exactly consist of professionals trained to help in situations like these. Most of us come here to appreciate art, play games, have a friendly chat, or look at drawings of naked people.

And we also have some trolls. You are disclosing a lot of information. If I was a malicious person, I could put your post under a (proverbial) microscope and start pushing all your buttons, making your condition ten times worse.

If you are feeling as distressed as you say, you should consult a medical professional with an appropriate specialization; _NOT_ some random people on the internet.